For those fundholders who utilize the Donor Portal for checking fund balances, reviewing statements, and making grants, there is a new feature that might make the process of giving a little bit easier.
The Portal has a new “cart” feature. If you want to make grants to multiple organizations at one time, all you have to do is select the grants you would like to make and add them to the cart. When you are all done with your selections, choose “submit,” and all your grants will be submitted for payment.
In the past, you would have to go through the whole process for each individual grant. Now you can load up your cart and do a quick review before you submit them for payment. We hope you find this new feature to be helpful in making your grant selections. If you have questions about this new “cart” feature or some other feature or would like to learn how to utilize the Donor Portal for your grantmaking, please reach out to Diana Castillo, Director of Grants and Donor Services, at 816.912.4184.