Generational giving is a powerful way to instill the value of philanthropy and giving back within a family. Generational giving refers to the practice of involving multiple generations within a family in the act of philanthropy and charitable giving.

It is a way to instill the values of compassion, empathy, and community responsibility across different age groups within a family. By engaging in generational giving, families can create a lasting legacy of social consciousness and community impact. This can include activities such as creating a family-giving donor advised fund, engaging in volunteer work, and educating family members about the importance of philanthropy. Ultimately, generational giving aims to foster a sense of unity, empathy, and shared purpose within a family while leaving a positive impact on the community.

  • Lead by example: Show your family members the impact of giving by getting involved in charitable activities and sharing your giving journey with them.
  • Start a family giving tradition: Create a family giving fund at your community foundation. Utilizing a donor advised fund allows multiple generations to contribute and make decisions about where the money goes.
  • Share family stories: Highlight your family's history of giving and its impact on others. This can inspire younger family members to continue the tradition.
  • Get the family involved: Plan volunteer activities or charitable events that involve multiple generations of the family to foster a sense of giving and community and to strengthen the bond between family members.
  • Educate and communicate: Openly discuss the importance of giving and philanthropy with your family members. Provide them with resources to learn more about different causes and organizations they can support and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas.

Your community foundation can play a crucial role in your family's giving by providing a one-stop-shop for your philanthropy. The foundation's professional staff can offer expertise in navigating complex issues such as tax implications and legal requirements, ensuring that your family's giving legacy is maintained and enhanced over time. This sets a strong foundation for a culture of giving that can endure for generations to come. Call Cole Eason today at 816-912-4182 to schedule an appointment to bring your family members together to discuss your giving plan.