John, a semi-retired educator from the Ft. Osage School District who now works mentoring school principals through a program called MLDS, and Karen, who had a successful corporate career at GEHA before starting her own small business, Summit Career Coaching and working for the Lee's Summit Symphony as Community Relations Director, are a dynamic couple who have dedicated their lives to making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Both from modest upbringings, they always found ways to give back and do more. Their passion for giving is truly inspiring.

Their journey in philanthropy began early on in their relationship. Even when they first met in college, they shared a common belief in the power of giving. Karen's vibrant corporate career and John's dedication to education created a solid foundation for them to pursue their passion for serving others. Even in their retirement, they continue to devote their time and energy to projects that bring them joy and make a positive difference in the world.

What sets John and Karen apart is not only their personal commitment to giving but also their vision for creating a lasting impact for future generations. Karen, a member of the Board of Directors at THCF, has served on numerous committees and is a past board chair. Their involvement with THCF and numerous other nonprofits in the area has provided them with a larger network of friends, connections, and a diverse platform from which to drive change. As members of the foundation’s Legacy Society, the Schulers are helping to ensure the foundation’s future through the Sustainability Fund as part of their estate planning.

John and Karen's commitment to philanthropy goes beyond their own contributions. They have always made an effort to instill a sense of financial prudence and community responsibility in their children. When their kids got their first lifeguard job, John and Karen opened a 529 college savings account for them. While their kid’s friends were receiving video games and CDs of their favorite bands, John and Karen’s teenage children were receiving contributions that would help them pay for college and ensure a more financially secure future. And while this may not have made them the hippest gift-givers at the time, their forward-thinking reflects their belief in being well-prepared for the future. (And we guarantee that their kid’s accounts are worth more to them than any Wii Sports game or Nickelback album.)

And just like they have set aside a portion of their estate for the Foundation, they have also set aside a portion of their estate specifically for their adult children’s philanthropy. They hope that by empowering their children to make meaningful contributions to the causes they care about, they will instill in them the values of generosity and community support. John and Karen envision their children adding to the fund and keeping the cycle of giving alive for generations to come, ensuring that the impact of their philanthropic efforts will endure and provide support to important causes long into the future.

Truman Heartland Community Foundation applauds John and Karen for their exemplary dedication to building a better future for our community. Their thoughtfulness, generosity, and commitment to giving serve as an inspiring example for all of us. We are immensely grateful for their continued partnership and unwavering support in our collective efforts to create positive change.