As another school year comes to a close, we once again have to bid farewell to the YAC Senior Class of 2023. It's always bittersweet to watch them stand in front of the group at our senior picnic and talk about their time in YAC, knowing they are about to embark on a new journey in life.

Rylee Reece
Rylee Reece

But as we say goodbye, we also look back on the incredible journey we've shared with them as members of the Youth Advisory Council (YAC).

Caleb Pennington
Caleb Pennington

This year we presented three scholarships to our most dedicated members. These scholarships are given to YAC members who have earned the most Perk Points for participation and who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, compassion, and generosity. Rylee Reece, from Blue Springs South, is the 2023 recipient of the Henri E. Goettel Youth in Philanthropy Award, and Team Leaders Jay (Emma) Dawson from Blue Springs and Caleb Pennington from Raytown each received Elizabeth Hill McClure Scholarships.

Jay (Emma) Dawson
Jay (Emma) Dawson

Over the years, we've watched these high school students grow and develop into exceptional young people. Through their involvement in fundraising, grantmaking, volunteering, and community service, they have shown a commitment to making a difference in their communities. And we have no doubt that they will go on to become the next generation of philanthropists, hopefully returning to us one day to make a positive local impact again.

As we say goodbye to the Senior Class of 2023, we are filled with a sense of pride and hope for the future. We know that they will go on to do great things, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for them. Congratulations, YAC Class of 2023 - you will be missed but never forgotten.

YAC Photo Album