Heartland Legacy Society membership is very simple; if you have included Truman Heartland Community Foundation in your will or other planned giving vehicle, you are already part of this thoughtful group of donors.
Join the Heartland Legacy Society
- Include your fund or shell fund at Truman Heartland Community Foundation in your will, as a beneficiary designation, or in another planned giving vehicle.
- Notify THCF and complete a Future Gift Statement of Intent (PDF) form to let us know how you will give and how you want to be recognized.
That's all there is to it!

THCF Legacy Society
Anonymous – 16
Anonymous* - 9
Leslie B. Anderson
L. Joseph Arth
Roger and Jacqualyn Bailey
Charles and Sally Baldwin
Mark and Dianne Ballantyne
Paul and Gail Barham
Rick Cox and HazelAnn Barkie-Cox
Bill and Darleen Barnes
Dwight and Carolyn Barnhard
Dorothy D. Bay*
Ross and Renata Beaudoin
Jerry and Doreen Benton*
Joe and Janice Blackburn
Larry and Susan Blick
Daniel L. and Janet Bodas
Craig and Debbie Bolger
Richard E. Bowman
James D. Browning*
Ron Bruch
Donna G. Bullock*
Aaron and Jenny Bush**
David L. Bush
Gene and Joanne Cable
Jerry and Donna Carey
Carol Carpenter
Richard L. Cates
Beverly A. Cathcard*
Earl Kenneth Cavanah*
Kenneth (Marty) and Cindy Cavanah
Mary Lou Chalmers
Wayne and Stephanie Chipman
Roberta Coker*
Phyllis Combest
Byron Constance
Larry and Wanda Cook
J.D. and Jeanne Cooper
John and Melanie Courtney
Stan and Michele Crumbaugh
Norman, Mary Anne, and Chris Davidson*
Vicki Digby
Sam and Vera Doutt
Marvin and Dixie Droege
John and Rosalie Dubach*
Willa Fancher*
John and Jeanie Ferguson
Wayne Feuerborn
Ron and Karen Finke
Carol Floyd
Chuck and Colleen Foudree
Robert and JeFri Franks
Helen French*
Noel and Carolyn Fulkerson
William Gann
David and Jeanne Geiman
Bob Glaser
David and Henri Goettel
Sara Lloyd Goyer & Geoffrey Caldwell Goyer
Dr. Fred and Marge Hahn
Harold and Mary Ellen Hall*
Doug and Beth Hammer
Ed Hammond Family
Nancy and Phil Hanson
Elaine Hartong*
Douglas G. and Helen Ann Hatridge
Bill and Wilma Henks
William Richard (Rick) and Linda Henks
Helen Hilliard*
Roy Holt and Emma Jean Tuck Holt
Bryan and Tina Hughes
Margaret E. Hurt*
V. Carl Jelley, MD*
Dr. Edward and Connie John
Gary E. Jones and Laura Lane Jones
Jerry and Sharon Kasten
Sharon K. Kelly
Maureen Kennedy
Rebecca Knepper
George and Ronna Koepp
Richard and Pamela Kreher
Janet D. Lacey-Hodges
Don and Ruth Landis
George and Rita Langton
Gene Lewis*
Mary Long
Donna Lou Lyle
Tom and Myrna Mardis
Forest and Marjorie Martin*
Gale Martin
LaDonna Masters
Nancy J. Mayhall
David and Connie Mayta
Richard R. and Ester G. McCall*
Gary and Liz McClure
Harry and Donna McDaniel
Carol McGraw
Zita McGraw
Homer McWilliams*
Marie Mickelson*
Carl and Leslie Milby
Lorene Mitchell*
Melanie Moentmann
Marcella Morgan*
Nancy Murdock
Richard and Virginia Nadeau*
John and Judy Ness
Wendell and Myrna Olson
Russell and Mabel Pepper
Marjorie Pollard*
Randy and Judy Porter
William and Melissa Powell
Dick Puhr*
Gary and Diana Pumphrey**
Jeffrey and Marita Ray
Jana Redding
Brad and Sharon Reimal
Missy Reimann
Richard Rhodes*
Gary and Glenda Riekhof
Norman Ring and Sara Crow-Ring*
Katherine H. Rolfe
Gerald and Andrea Rooker
Connie Rose*
J. Brian Russell
Linda Jane Salts*
Harold H., Norma J. and James Allan (Jimmy) Schmidt*
John and Karen Schuler
Barbara Schuster
Elizabeth A. Scott
Clifford M. and Mary Beth Seger
Alvin and Ella Marie Sehrt*
Marc and Bridgette Shaffer
Martin D. Shrout*
Dr. Steve and Elizabeth Silverstein
William C. and Anne M. Sizemore
O. Wayne Smith and William T. Stewart (Ted)**
Terry and Betty Snapp
Jim and Mary Stilley
Paul Stone, Jr.
Clarence and Betty Stowell*
Bill Summa and Peggy Summa*
Dan and Shannon Sundberg
Martha Taggart*
Jane Taylor
Allan and Karen Thompson
Paul and Marilyn Thomson
Gary Toms
Lance Trammell and Heather Dawkins
Garland and Pauline Tripp*
Montie and Marjorie Tripp
Fern Truschke-Stuart
Scott and Jennifer Turner
Todd and Nicole Underwood
Charles and Elizabeth Unger
Howard and Frances Vaughan*
Michael and Mary Jo Watkins
Elizabeth C. Weekley-Sutton*
Lysle and Carolyn Weeks
Brenda West
Bob and Candy White
Lee Williams and Brent Schondelmeyer
Thomas L. Winslow*
Anne Marie Wix
Russell and Alicia Wolford
Debra S. Wood
Susan Wopata
Scott and Linda Wright
David and Shirley Wurth
Lennie Wyre
As of March 15, 2024
* Matured Gifts
** New Legacy Society Members
These Legacy Society members have given their consent to be recognized publicly.
Have you included THCF in your will?
Interested in Giving?
Cole Eason is here to help, email or call 816-912-4182.