If you are interested in making a permanent impact in the world, you may consider giving as a part of your estate plan. We have a number of giving options for you to consider.
Make an Impact Beyond Your Lifetime

Are you intrigued by the idea of leaving part of your estate to charity? We can help by working with you to understand your charitable dreams and make those dreams a reality.
Your planning and partnership with Truman Heartland Community Foundation (THCF) will enable you to receive a tax benefit during life, maximize your giving impact and leave a lasting legacy. Learn more about Legacy/Planned Giving through our partners at Crescendo.
For Good. Forever. You can multiply and diversify the impact of your legacy giving by partnering with Truman Heartland. When you establish a bequest or other planned gift, you become part of the select group of community-minded individuals that make up our Heartland Legacy Society.
Ways to Leave a Legacy
Giving to your favorite causes and making a forever impact can be done directly to your fund or through a gift model that can provide tax benefits and even income during your life!
You designate your fund at Truman Heartland Community Foundation (THCF) as the beneficiary of your asset(s) by will, trust or beneficiary designation form. Learn more about how a bequest works.
If you are like most people, you probably will not use all of your retirement assets during your lifetime. Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan, is an excellent way to make a legacy gift.
You can designate your fund at the foundation as the beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy. Learn more about how easy beneficiary designations can be in leaving a legacy.
You transfer your cash or appreciated property to Truman Heartland Community Foundation (THCF) in exchange for our promise to pay you fixed payments (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life. Learn more about the tax benefits available to people who create charitable gift annuities with THCF.
You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable remainder unitrust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with income for life or a term of years. Learn more about how to make your assets work for you as well as benefit your favorite charity with a charitable remainder unitrust.
You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable remainder annuity trust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with fixed income for life or a term of years. Learn more about how a charitable remainder annuity works.
You fund a trust that makes gifts to THCF for a designated number of years. Your family receives the trust remainder at substantial tax savings. Find out if a charitable lead trust is right for your family.
You give a portion of your property to us to fund a charitable remainder trust, when the property sells you receive cash and income for life. Learn more about a sale and unitrust.
We purchase your property for less than fair market value. You receive cash and a charitable deduction for the difference between the market value and purchase price. Is a bargain sale the right fit for your situation?
You provide your children with a stream of income while making a gift to charity. Find out more about a give it twice trust, one of our most poplular options for individuals with families who also want to support charity.
You give your property to our organization but retain the right to use the property during your life. Is a life estate reserve the right choice for you?

Sample Bequest Language
Bequest of Cash
"I bequeath the sum of $250,000* to My Fund at Truman Heartland Community Foundation of Independence, Missouri, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization [EIN #43-1482136]."
Bequest of a Percent of the Estate
"I devise and bequeath 50%* of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to My Fund at Truman Heartland Community Foundation of Independence, Missouri, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization [EIN #43-1482136]."
Contingent Bequest
"If my brother John Doe survives me, I devise and bequeath 75%* of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to John Doe. If John Doe does not survive me, then I devise and bequeath 100%* of my residuary estate, whether real or personal property and wherever located, to My Fund at Truman Heartland Community Foundation of Independence, Missouri, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization [EIN #43-1482136]."
*Please feel free to change the numbers or percentages as you desire.
A legacy gift at Truman Heartland is an opportunity to make a lasting difference in the community. It truly is a gift that keeps on giving.
- Rebecca Knepper