About Us
Making an Impact

We're always looking for ways to be a catalyst for change in suburban Eastern Jackson, Cass, and Lafayette County communities. And we'd like your help.
It is unusual for a Community Foundation to have its own impact programming, but this is just another instance of Truman Heartland Community Foundation meeting the communities where they are and addressing their unique needs. In addition to our donor services, we have created various initiatives that expand our mission.
Our current initiative work includes:
Job Skills for New Careers:
Job Skills for New Careers ended at the close of 2023. The initiative was originally established to improve the economic status of individuals and families by providing a pathway to higher-paying, in-demand careers through industry-recognized certified training. THCF fundholder support ensured wrap-around services, such as childcare and transportation assistance, were readily available.
Partnering with Nonprofits:
We help area nonprofit organizations grow their endowed funds by providing high-quality planned giving information, education, and support.
Youth Advisory Council (YAC):
The mission of YAC is to empower area high school students to change their communities through philanthropy. The Foundation engages these future leaders in our work by providing opportunities for members to participate in fundraising, grantmaking, and community service.
We invite you to support the initiative work of Truman Heartland Community Foundation!

Would you like to learn more about THCF's community-focused initiatives?
Contact Phil to learn more.